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Random Playlist

With the magic of sql active playlist we can make a few random playlists for your needs.

Here are a few activesql playlists that do some randomness. Note you can change the where part to say only certain emulators and limit the # of games to return.

Like following videos?: See this nice video:

Basic random list that changes each time you go into/out of playlist. uses all games and limits 10

Select * from Games where visible=1 order by random() limit 10

Daily Random Playlist

Lets say you want the same random playlist for day. So random tables will be different each 24 hours.

select *,cast(strftime('%f',dateadded) as float)*gameid*gameid*cast(strftime('%d%m','now') as int)%(548664) as seed from games where visible=1 order by seed limit 10

Weekly Random Playlist

Lets say you want the same random playlist for the week. So random tables will be different each week;

select *,cast(strftime('%f',dateadded) as float)*gameid*gameid*cast(strftime('%W','now') as int)%(548664) as seed from games where visible=1 order by seed limit 10

Monthly Random Playlist

And lastly for a monthly random playlist

select *,cast(strftime('%f',dateadded) as float)*gameid*gameid*cast(strftime('%m%Y','now') as int)%(548664) as seed from games where visible=1 order by seed limit 10

if you'd like to filter which emulators then you would need to find the EMUID #. (get that from emulator setup field)

Select * from Games where visible=1 AND EmuID in (1,3) order by random() Limit 5

That will grab random from emulators 1 or 3, and grab 5 tables in total.

random_list.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/12 20:58 by pinupadmin