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Baller Installer "BETA" Builds Bonanza!

November 2023

Want to try a the newer Baller Installer v2025.01 (January): Click here:

After many thousands of users testing out the Baller “Beta Bonanza” Nov 2023, it will now be the installer of choice! The old 2022 april installer is no longer available and shoulnd't be used as too many great tables today require the latest versions!!!!

To keep the install 'stable', Baller installer will default vpx to v10.7 64bit, and you can set in games manager the alternate-exe to use with the newer 10.8 tables via a simple drop-down list by table…. thats it. ENJOY!!!

The Beta Builds Bonanza has the following out of the box: (as of Nov 30, 2023)

Visual Pinball X (VPX) 64bit/32bit v10.7.4, v10.8 beta (nightly)
PinUP Player v1.5 (beta)
PinUP Popper FrontEnd v1.5 (beta)
DMDExt (freezy) v2.2.1 (32 bit/64bit)
FlexDMD-B2S-PuP-PuPSSF (latest and greatest)
Future Pinball w/BAM (latest and greatest)

Download link to new Baller “Beta Builds” Bonanza download is here:

Nov 30th 2023:

Follow the original Nailbuster WIKI official Baller installer guide as all instructions are similar!

BUT, for new tables that you need to run in vpx 10.8 you will need to set which vpx EXE to use in games manager.

set the alternate launcher here. You most likely should use GL64.exe for the GL version, or you might need to use X64 (10.8 DX) version.

Note: FOR AMD GPU users its important to modify the recordstart.bat inside the recordings subfolder. Options are at TOP of file.

NEW Auto-Updater!!!! Yes, what we've all been waiting for :) Check out this video and grab the files:

note Nov 30th Baller installer has the auto-updater already installed! For Nov 4th installer see link below.

Special thanks to TerryRed for helping get latest Future Pinball/BAM config, and RudyArcade for beta testing and creating helper youtube videos for PinUP. Also, always need to give a shout-out to all the DEVS and vpx community who share their free-time and give the community an awesome vpin hobby that we all get to enjoy!!!

ballerinsallv2311.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/31 16:06 by pinupadmin