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pinup_poppervr_customize [2021/09/09 11:08] (current) – created pinupadmin
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 +====== PinUP PopperVR Customize ======
 +This page is for people who want to get the most out of their PopperVR setup by customizing their own rooms and launcher.
 +The best resource is following the great tutorials made by Scampa on youtube here:
 +===== Working with POPPERVR =====
 +The suggested method would be to run Popper, and go to operater menu and select custom scripts/Toggle VR to run or close PopperVR.EXE. (If you always want to run it you could put it on Popper global settings startup/close scripts).
 +Advanced Mode: Having things like posters/instuctions on walls…other pupdisplay media.\\
 +pupdisplays are panels that get media/(mp4 or png only) via Popper websockets/webremote. See webremote setup on wiki.
 +if using 'pupdisplays' you need to set useWEB=true in pinup popper scripts and active=1 in PopperVR config file.
 +when in PopperVR Room you can use your handcontrolers to move around and/or teleport. Pressing the Secondary button on right-controller will bringup/toggle the PopperVR Menu. Pressing the right-trigger will select things in the VR ROOM/Menu. You can teleport by using the right-controller/grip-finger button.
 +===== PopperVRSettings.json =====
 +here's TWO things PopperVR does. One is MIRROR an entire windows monitor/display to a 3d panel, the other is grab/play pupdisplays (mp4s/pngs) from Popper WebRemote.
 +Simple mode is just to mirror your Windows Desktops into the PopperVR Room.\\
 +Once that is working, you can jump to next-level where you setup Popper WEBRemote/Server and use media from your Popper DB in realtime.
 +So, simple step one is run via the OPerator Menu in Popper. Startup Popper and go to Operator menu and toggle/StartVR custom script.\\
 +if you have screen issues you will need to modify PopperVRSettings.json in PopperVR folder with texteditor if needed. by default, positions are grabbed with Popper running.
 +Keep displays either 0=off, 2=mirror monitor. The important items to change are:
 +the windows monitorNumber# (starts at 0, this is random with windows so you may have to change the #'s trial and error) Note -1 means to grab the monitor the POPPERX display is on.\\
 +invertX,Y if needed. Once you see the screens in VR you will see if these are needed. 1/0 are values.
 +don't use any PUPDISPLAYS active=1 for now keep active=2 for mirroring displays… pupdisplays can be advanced setup later.
 +**fine-tune your HOME position infront of cab.**
 +in json settings theres a CAMERAPOS [x,y,z] that you can set that will change your home-position.
 +Y you can +/- for height, z is to move closer/farther from cab. in meters. so [0,0.3,-0.2] is 30 cm in Y and 20cm away from cab..
 +The defaut MODELROOM must be set. ModelCab is optional and will be covered later. (allows you to make a ROOM without a cab and allow people to use their own CABmodels only inside of VRROOMS).
 +ModelROOM must be GLB file format. And you can do anything with it, POPPERVR will scan for panels named exactly:\\
 +POPPER0 for topper, POPPER1 for DMD, POPPER3 for playfield…you get the idea (same pupid# as popper). You may have to rotate the panel in your 3d model. if you find the rotation within PopperVR it is not properly rotated. The reason for two files….ideally you make/have a CAB model that is what you want. And then you can change or provide people with different environment/rooms…have vegas, have XMAS holiday room….etc. While keeping your CAB model to your exact specs. To keep things simple you can just work/create ROOM models for now…
 +How to add functionality in the ROOM and POPPERVR. There's a simple idea I did to make/design your own arcade rooms and flexibiltiy with ease to do stuffs in VR.
 +On Loading ROOM or CAB model. Pop-VR will scan the names of any/all 3d objects and assign functions to them so user can interact with them. Like make a screen on a mamecab launch a donkey-kong rom game… or a sign that will move user to a 1970s pinball themed room…
 +Suggest using blender to make glb files as that is what is tested with currently. no animated support (yet) embedded in glb (although i beleive simple animations may work…needs testing)
 +scale is always 1 unit= 1meter so must keep that in mind if sharing your files.
 +===== Lighting =====
 +special: lights cannot be imported via GLB. BUT, what i did is allow lights to be added via the 'name' of the light object in blender. for example\\
 +you add a light in blender, and the name determines what it does in pVR. it will take the position and angle of the light object but nothing else.\\
 +If you see the defaultroom gltf you can see how lights are done for an example:
 +**POPLIGHT_TYPE_COLOR_INTENSITY_1_** (intenstiy /100) must start with name "POPLIGHT"
 +COLOR=hex value\\
 +intensity=100-9999? it is divide by 100 so 100 is 1.0 intensity in unity.
 +is a point light (white) and intensity 5.0 … the _1 is added because blender likes to add .001 to multiple named items so need _1 to avoid touching intensity.
 +Other functions in framework to allow for flexiblity of rooms.
 +That allows you to run games like MAME and stay in VRROOM during play. example:
 +1st value is ROMNAME.ZIP and must be in POPPER game manager ROM field on the game.
 +2nd value is Window partial title match. Must be set and able to find
 +3rd/4th value optional. yflip or xflip if the mirroring of mame window needs to be flipped to display in vrroom.
 +This will move the player into the room position xpos,ypos,zpos are floats and required.
 +the xrot,yrot,zrot are optional and might help in default rotation of player.
 +This will allow you to have like a sign/panel that when selected will move player to another entire room.glb.
 +The room must be located in models subfolder and called in this example: models/vegas.glb
 +This function will allow a 3dobject to auto launch a game in popper. The 1st parameter is the item it will search for in the TAGS property on a game in game manager. So in this example, you would go to your Elvis VR game in Popper and add/set VRElvis in the TAG field.
 +Allows to play external mp4s . You can add noauto or noloop as options. default is to autoplay and loop.
 +User can select the media to pause/play at any time. Media files should be in same folder location of the ROOM.glb.
 +**Manual switch VRRooms.**
 +in PopperVR menu you can also see there's a dropdown list to switch rooms manually. The dropdown list is auto populated with all GLB files located in the subfolder of PopperVR/Models. …and switch to it.