Change Transparent Color

So you've tried everything that been suggested to get full RGB to your TV/monitor but no matter what Loading videos are not transparent.

So even though 0=true black is set as transparent, you GPU/TV combo can only send limited RGB 16-240 values, so the trans color never gets to work.

So the idea is to change the trans color to 16,16,16 (rgb) in your puppack on startup.

so go to pinupmenu /theme settings in POPPER.

and you'll need to add a new trigger

the new trigger is for screen 7, the function, trigger must be D0 (dee-zero) and playaction set to CustomFunc and active true.

now the important part is to put this exact string in your playlist column

{"mt":301, "SN":7, "FN":19, "TM":1, "TC":1052688}

that will set your loading screen to transparent color 16,16,16

save pack and restart all programs.

if that doesn't work, then you're stuck with using the 'normal' full screen videos wihout the awesome transparent t-arc theme ;(